Javea, El Montgo. A walk on the wild side

During the summer months in Javea, it is wise to stay close to a pool, the sea and a cold beer. Once the warm days of October and November had settled in, we decided to ascend the Montgo mountain for the third time in 20 years. It proved a harder challenge than we remembered.

Javea Montgo

Setting off from the Javea to Denia road, drive from Javea up the winding road and when it levels at the top of La Plana and you can see a lane to your left. Drive a few hundred metres and park the car. We were well equipped with good walking shoes, lots of water, a chicken sandwich and a banana. I joked and proceeded to load rope and tackle and a few spikes and a shovel onto my back, this was met with a surprise from our climbing companions and quickly turned to laughter, as I told them in was a gentle climb, needing only good walking shoes and plenty of water.

We started the walk along a gravel path leading to the base of El Montgo. We named this base camp one. The path soon turns into a stony, rocky surface which could easily snap an ankle or break a leg. We were very careful to watch every step and stopped to catch our breaths and to admire the views towards Denia and the bay of Javea. After around an hour of zig zag climbing, the walk bears south around the trunk of Montgo and starts to turn into a scramble across large rocks and narrow foot holds, using our arms to balance. Another 30 minutes climbing and you reach the 753 metre summit.

All the way up we were blessed with warm breezes and the views just got better. At the summit we could see Denia and north to Valencia, west out to sea and south Javea, Gata and Pedreguer. The Penon de Ifach and the Las Sierra Bernia mountain range stretched further south.

We stood on the peak for 15 minutes, just being amazed at the views, lots of photos and a repair to Anthony’s boots, which had decided to loose the soles, we prepared for the easier decent. We still had to watch every step on the way down, but it was a lot less work coming down. The knees and backs of some of the party, started to take the strain and started to ache.

The thought of a cool drink and the paella mixta, that we had preordered at the Amanecer restaurant, kept us all going. Except our tired legs, a few blisters and soleless boots we made it safely back to the cars.

Within five minutes we were seated in the restaurant and the drinks appeared, bread and alioli and a fresh salad were consumed rapidly.

The paella was marvelous and had lots of flavour, it was a little short of content and could have included green beans, butter beans and a little more chicken, but it still tasted excellent washed down with cool white wine and agua con gas. Needless to say it was a great day out and another one they can’t take away from us, whoever they are.

Posted by: Steve Nott on Monday 13th November 2006



Gary Funnell said:

<p>Well Steve this looks far too difficult in your state of fitness but obviously you made it, how long did it take and do you think other pensioners could cope with the rocky inclines. All the best.</p>

Posted on Monday 13th November at 17:51:00

John Sloggie said:

<p>Those of us privileged enough to know Steve will realise that&#8217;s probably the longest he has ever walked for a drink! Only joking Steve&#8230;..</p>

Posted on Monday 13th November at 17:51:00

Steve Nott said:

<p>Thanks John &amp; Gary, First, Gary for thinking I am a pensioner and secondly, John for thinking I need an excuse to have a few drinks&#8230;.I would like to see you both at the Javea&#8217;s Montgo summit, the next time! Three years ago, It took us around 1hour 35 minutes to reach the top of Javea&#8217;s Montgo, and 1 hour, 15 minutes to come back down. This time it was 2 hours to reach the summit and 1 hour 25 minutes to get to the Javea Amanacer restaurant. When we were coming back down from the summit, say 20 minutes from the peak, we met lots of Spanish people climbing up, I told them in perfect castellano, its not too far to reach the top from here on up, two hours minimum!! The look on their faces were priceless.</p>

Posted on Monday 13th November at 17:52:00

Scott and Kelly Nelson said:

<p>nice hike, it looks beautiful, any wildlife. kelly is selling houses alot. we should be able to retire in 40 years.</p>

Posted on Tuesday 14th November at 17:52:00

Dean said:

<p>Steve, you remind me of Lance Armstrong, but only more Spannnishh.</p>

Posted on Wednesday 15th November at 17:53:00

Ian and Diane Newton said:

<p>Dear Steve and Dawn. We have made some great friends here in Javea and are pleased to include you amongst them. Since you helped and advised us through the whole of the buying process twice now &#8211; the first time a small but perfectly formed one-bed apartment in Javea Port and this year a finca on the outskirts of Javea, we have experienced a taste of making the dream come true. You gave us the confidence to take the step and made us realise that dreaming alone just won&#8217;t do &#8211; you have to act. So here we are in Spain and not one single moment of regret. For that alone many heart-felt thanks and for everything else you have introduced into our lives! Cheers Ian and Di</p>

Posted on Saturday 23rd December at 17:59:00

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